One Down; One to Go!

purple flowr

Well, cancer treatments are done, and cryo-ablation is scheduled for next week. Do it is one down; one to go here in Pennsylvania. Last week I got my first Zometa infusion. I do not feel I had any side effects at all. I did have some bruising at the IV site due to my blood thinners. My next infusion is in March. I have a follow up with the Radiation Oncologist tomorrow, then no cancer doctors until December!! It feels like that is all I have seen in the past 6 months since this all began in March.

Next up–Cardiac Cryo-Ablation

I have confirmed with my electrophysiology office that my procedure has been approved for 9/21. I wanted to make sure instead of hearing about a problem at the last minute like last time! After a slew of appointments last week and this week, I will have a relatively quiet time until next Thursday. On that day, I will get to spend most of the day in the hospital. Apparently, I will have to lay flat on my back for 4-5 hours after the procedure.. If you know someone who has had a cardiac catheterization, this is basically the same principle. I just have to lay longer due to the blood thinners. I am more dreading THAT than the actual procedure. My back hurts like HELL when I have to lay flat for any length of time.

Well, it seems that my medical saga is winding down–at least THIS chapter of it! I am thankful and grateful for all of the people who have helped care for me! My family (of course), friends and neighbors, coworkers, even people I barely know–everyone has been so supportive and kind. Most of all, everyone on all of the medical teams that I have come into contact with have been amazing! I’ve dealt with four hospitals, five specialists, plus a SLEW of ancillary staff. There have also been outpatient facilities where I got my ultrasounds and physical therapy. All of these places and people have made this journey a bit smoother.

Beaver Wine Festival

We did take a brief sojourn from medical things this past weekend. We attended the Beaver Wine Festival in Beaver, PA. My daughter’s boyfriend bought us tickets a while ago, and I am glad I went. We got to sample MANY different wines, mostly from places that are small and local. I bought a bottle of white wine, a fifth of homemade vodka, and a wine slushy bag. This is a whole bottle of wine in a bag that you put in the freezer.

Ray bought several bottles of wine and a delicious creamy limoncello that is a perfect after dinner drink. We were very responsible and got an Uber both ways! We had dinner at a newer restaurant right on the river called The Standard. The view was absolutely stunning. The food was passable and the drinks were strong. I got a bulk slushy cocktail, but Kendyl and Ray both got mixed drinks and commented on this. The environment was VERY loud, though, and it was hard to hear each other. It was nice to get out and do something other than go to the store or for a medical appointment.

close up photography of wine glasses
White wine is my FAVORITE!

Up Next!

So, now that the medical saga is settling down, I plan to start posting about past trips! There are many to choose from. I never finished my review of our pre-pandemic trip to Salem. I also went to Dallas for a conference, and NYC to see Seth, both just before everything closed down. In fact, I was in NYC until March 2, 2020, and everything shut down a week later! Since travel ramped back up I have had a few trips. I have been to Florida to see cousins twice, NYC to see Seth and attend Hamilton.

Travel has also included Colorado for a conference, and a river cruise in Portugal! In addition, I had a few road trips. One to the hills of WV to relax. We also went to Cherry Springs, PA to try and stargaze. Sadly, there was never a clear night. Most recently to Cleveland, Ohio with a side trip to see a cousin and my half-sisters who live nearby. So I have a plethora of trips to choose from! I might start with NYC since I have some amazing pictures from both trips. Or write about the amazing time we had in Portugal!

What would you all like to read about?? I’m happy to write about any of the places I’ve been! Maybe I will even pull out my old blog posts and write about some of the places in more detail. I would focus more on the places rather than just what I did with whom! I realize my writing needs a bit more color!

Requests more than welcome!

A Brief Break

I am in the middle of a brief break from all of the medical craziness. This is not to say I have been idle medically speaking–I have had some appointments (PT, lab work, Medical Oncologist), but nothing intense or daily. I must say, I am enjoying it too much! After being on the go so much, I enjoyed just doing nothing much last week! This week I need to do better since I don’t know how I will feel after the cardiac procedure.

A Gift for Myself!

Over the weekend I got a piano! I have always wanted to learn to play, but we couldn’t afford one growing up. Then I lacked either time or space. Now I have both the time and the space AND one of my neighbors was GIVING one away! I just needed a means to transport it. So, I rented a U-Haul trailer and Ray hooked it up to his truck. Between Ray, two of my sons, and Kendyl’s friend Brandon, we got it to its new home! I have really enjoyed it already! I have an instructional book, and have watched some on-line videos, but I would really like to take real lessons! One of my other neighbors teaches, so I will message her. Now to find someone to tune it, although it doesn’t sound too bad right now!

Photo of piano keyboard (from

My Productivity is Lacking at HOME

Normally, I take very good care of my flower and vegetable beds, but I’ve been hampered this year by all of the medical problems AND the heat! I just cannot tolerate the heat and humidity. I have kept my vegetable beds tended (although I downsized from 5 to 3), but my herb garden and flower beds have become overrun with weeds! It breaks my heart! I have been trying to go out each evening (when it isn’t raining and I’m home) to fill up a big trash bag with weeds and debris. If I keep it up, I should have much less to do when fall comes. Next year, I need to get back to regular maintenance so this doesn’t happen!

This week, I need to be more productive with my time! As mentioned, I was very lazy last week. I took having “a brief break” too seriously! I just let things go, relaxed, and watched too much TV! I’m not planning on doing that this week! I will be returning to work mid-September, so my time is running short to work on my house (cleaning and organizing).

I’m reading a book about Swedish death cleaning right now. With everything I’ve been going through, I need to make it a priority to prepare things for when I die, although that hopefully won’t be for a long while. All of the files and accounts the kids will need have to be backed up and stored safely, and I do not want them having to wade through my clutter after I go. They would be liable to chuck everything, but I know there are some things that would be important to one of them, or someone in the family. It is time I tackle this monster! I am by no means a hoarder, but I have a problem letting go of old pictures and files I “might” need someday. I need to digitize what I want to keep and then let everything else go!

Update 27 August 2023

Well, we have a snag, and my brief break might be extended. The electrophysiology office called me on Friday to let me know they have not yet received prior authorization (the bane of a medical person’s existence) for my cryo -ablation on Tuesday. I’m still going to have the TEE tomorrow in hopes that they can get the authorization and proceed as planned. If they don’t, the TEE will be “good” for 30 days if we have to reschedule.

The problem with that is that I have already picked up shifts for the end of September. Why didn’t I just wait until all of this was done?? The procedure has been scheduled since early JUNE, so I had no idea it would not be authorized! I am trying my hardest to relax and just go with the flow since there is nothing I can do to change this. Those of you who know me understand how difficult this can be.

I hope to have an update with better news tomorrow after the test. That’s when I plan to post this. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Hand with fingers crossed
Photo compliments of

My Brief Break Will Be Longer

Well, I had my TEE, but I was NOT able to get the cryo-ablation today. The prior authorization still did not come through. So my procedure is rescheduled to 9/21 and I will not be able to return to work as planned. As of now, my return to work date will be 9/30. I am frustrated, but I am trying to “go with the flow.” Maybe there is a reason for this?

silhouette of person sitting beside body of water
Photo by Download a pic Donate a buck! ^ on


wooden picture frame hanged on pink wall

As I start my fourth and final week of radiation therapy, I am feeling grateful for the team at UPMC-Passavant, as well as the love and support I have received from family and friends! It has been a rocky road, and I still have the cardiac procedure to weather, but I am almost at the finish line, and I can begin to taste the sweetness of victory!

Update on My Team

The pregnant technician finally had her baby on Friday! Her labor stalled so she had to have a C-section, but mom and baby are doing well. I believe the baby was 9 lbs. 7 oz! That is a BIG baby!! My biggest (Seth) was 9 lbs. 1 oz. and that was quite big enough! I will miss seeing her 5 days a week, but am happy for her and her growing family!

Today we started the “targeted” part of my radiation therapy. In this phase of my treatment, the radiation is focused on JUST the area where my tumor was–in this case the upper inner quadrant of my breast. I am not sure if that will cause more skin changes in that area or not. I am hoping not! So far, I have been very lucky as far as side effects go (at least from the radiation). I am looking forward to ringing the bell on Friday to mark the completion of this phase of treatment. That will be the finish line for my acute cancer treatment. I will be on the Arimidex for 10 years, and there is talk of removing my ovaries, but the breast surgeries and radiation will be over!

Next Stop–Cardiac Cryosurgery

After about 2 weeks to recuperate, I have the cardiac procedure that is intended to fix my atrial fibrillation. The day before the procedure I have to have a test called a Transesophageal Echocardiogram (TEE for short). The ultrasound tech puts a probe down my esophagus and view my heart that way. I have never had this test before, but I’m not looking forward to it. Hopefully, the “mild” sedation works very well!

The day after the TEE, my Electrophysiologist will go into my heart with a catheter (through the groin, just like they do for a cardiac catheterization) and will attempt to freeze the area of my heart where the abnormal impulses usually arise. If all goes well, I hope I will be able to stop the Amiodarone and Eliquis. Fingers crossed! The picture below courtesy of Oklahoma Heart and shows how the procedure is done. This is for my medically-inclined friends and readers!

Image courtesy of


Kendyl and I will take a road trip this weekend as we head down to Lynchburg, Virginia, for my granddaughter’s 6th birthday party! I wasn’t sure I would feel up to going, but I think I should be okay. Kendyl will drive, as I do not feel I’m up to 7 hours of driving. I am looking forward so much to seeing Riley and her family!! We will finally meet Ember and Rex, Haley’s part-wolf pups.

While we are there we will also get to see my ex-husband’s grandfather (so my kids’ great, and Riley’s great-great) who is 99 years young! As soon as I am able to request time off, I want to make arrangements to be there for his 100th birthday next March! We will also see his daughter (my former mother-in-law) who has been having some health challenges of her own recently. One of my most cherished pictures is one I took last August when we visited. In it are Tom’s grandfather, Tom’s mom, all 3 of Tom’s kids, and Riley Mae (and her then step-sister, also a Riley). It is a precious photo. It is quite sad that Tom isn’t alive to see it (and to have been part of the picture)!

I have decided to post to the blog every other Monday. I should have posted regularly before when I was actually posting my travels! Never fear, as I run out of health news I will post more travel-related content. I might even throw in some food-related posts as that was my original intention! As I approach that finish line, I intend to plan my 2024 trips. It feels good to have something to look forward to again!

Post-Radiation and Virginia Update

I got to ring the bell after my last radiation treatment on Friday (11 August 2023)! It felt good! I crossed that finish line with a smile and even a few tears. You get used to seeing these people every day and they feel like friends! I took in an assortment of cookies, many of them symbolically pink. Hopefully, they were enjoyed by all!

Shortly after I returned from radiation, we packed up the car and headed to Virginia! Kendyl’s boyfriend, Ray, ended up coming with us, so she and I were “passenger princesses.” I am usually VERY anxious when someone else drives distances, but sitting in the backseat where I could not see the road ahead was VERY helpful (as was half of a Xanax).

Ray and his two passenger princesses on the road!

Our tradition when we visit Haley is to meet her at a hibachi restaurant called Wasabi. This trip was no different! Neither she nor her fiancé had their kids, so we let loose in our celebration of being together AND radiation being over! I have not been drinking much at all, so I was pretty tipsy–AND hungover the next morning! Since Saturday was another day without kids, we just vegetated all day reading, watching TV and cooking. Haley made my recipe for stuffed salmon, and Kendyl made her vegetarian risotto. I taught her how to make risotto a few years ago and she VERY quickly surpassed me–she is the risotto master! We also got to meet Ember and Rex, the part-wolf pups. They are already bigger than our Buddha, and they aren’t even a year old yet!

Ember and I bonding!

Sunday was a very eventful day. After breakfast Kendyl and I went to visit her grandmother and great-grandad. We came at the right time, because he had fallen and no one there could get him up. Kendyl and I were able to, and he was thankfully not injured. We had a nice visit, and got to see Barbara’s brother, Uncle Jimmy, who stopped by. After that, it was off to the birthday party and we FINALLY got to see precious Riley!! A good time was had by all, and it was great seeing Haley’s family. Some people think it is odd, but I have become friends with the whole family of Tom’s first wife (Haley’s mom). I have remained close to my first husband’s family also. The more people we care about in our lives, the more joy we have!

I didn’t take many pictures over the weekend, but I will include a few. I may update early next time since I have those cardiac procedures on my scheduled posting date! Thanks for reading and sharing my excitement over this finish line!

Radiation Therapy Reflections

I started my radiation therapy for breast cancer last week. I have 6 of 20 treatments under my belt. So far, so good–the only side effects I have noticed has been slight redness of my skin in the zone receiving radiation. I actually think I have become MORE productive since I have to stick to a set schedule! My only complaint is the 40 minute drive each way, but I have been catching up on my podcasts, so it is time well-spent.

I really like my radiation therapy techs! One of them is very pregnant and will soon be gone; I will miss her. My radiation will be over by the time she would come back from maternity leave. I mostly see the same patients/family members in the waiting room each morning. The staff is very efficient, so we don’t have much time to talk, but we smile and greet each other every day. I do my best to smile and say, “good morning” to as many people as I can each day–it makes ME feel better and hope it helps them, too!

For anyone who has never seen the machine used for radiation therapy, I am including a picture. This shows the machine and the position one needs to be in for the treatment. Fortunately, each treatment only lasts about 3-4 minutes. It takes longer for the techs to line you up properly than it does for the dose of radiation!

Schematic of a radiation therapy treatment for breast cancer.
Radiation therapy machine and position for breast cancer.

I will probably wait to post this until I have more treatments under my belt. It is hard to give an accurate depiction of radiation therapy after only a few sessions. I can say that the radiation therapy department at UPMC-Passavant’s Hillman Cancer Center is very efficient. and all of the staff I have encountered have been extremely pleasant. No complaints here!

Update After 2 Weeks

I am now 50% done with radiation. Although I have noticed some skin flaking and a small (tiny really) blister in the treatment area, and some tightness when I do my PT exercises, but I consider myself lucky so far!

I have begun exercising again! Dancing has always been my preferred method of fitness, so I found an app that has 10 minute dance workouts (that is my speed for now). Of course, I continue to do my PT daily also.

My step-daughter, Haley, sent me the most thoughtful and appropriate gifts. She sent a coloring book entitled, “Boobies Gone but I Rock On!” I enjoy coloring and find it very relaxing, so this was perfect. Also included was a mug for coffee or tea that says, “Dear Cancer, You Picked the Wrong BITCH.” I love both gifts!!

The end is in sight!

I am finally feeling as if I am in the home stretch of this journey! After 10 more radiation therapy treatments, I then will see the Medical Oncologist on 8/23. I still need to schedule my genetic testing, and have the cardiac procedure done, but I feel that the majority of my fight is almost over! The profound sense of relief I feel is palpable!

I am also starting to look ahead and think about trips for 2024! This year was supposed to involve a lot of travel, but those things got waylaid by my diagnosis. Therefore, I would like to rebook my trip to the UK for next spring, and I’m looking at Airbnb’s for Tina and I to go on our annual girls’ trip. Right now I am looking at Baltimore (Inner Harbor), New Orleans (on both of our wish lists) and Las Vegas. I’m leaning toward Baltimore–we could even invite Sherry (Tina’s childhood best friend) , Nancy (my childhood bestie) and/or Haley to visit us while we are there since they all live in Virginia!

I feel truly blessed at this moment in time!

My New Journey

wooden picture frame hanged on pink wall

I have been absent from my blog for a very long time. The pandemic, understandably, prevented my travels for a couple of years. When I did start traveling again, I did not get back into writing regularly. I did take a few domestic trips and one international trip (a Douro River cruise in November 2022), but found it difficult to resume blogging.

Then the bottom fell out of my world. In March 2023, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This came as a shock because I have faithfully gotten my mammograms every 1-2 years for the past 22 years. I ended up having a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy in April. My 3 nodes were negative, but they did not get ALL of the cancer–it had invaded the muscle of my chest wall. After discussion with my family and doctors, I elected to have a complete mastectomy instead of just going in and removing more of the breast and muscle.

Nothing could have prepared me for the first time I looked at myself after that second surgery. I never thought about my breasts much, but having a large incision across my chest with no nipple was a shock. I have since gotten used to it, but that first peek was difficult. On top of that, I suffered a second degree burn on my chest from using heat–I am numb in the area and didn’t realize how hot the compress was. This is what I call a “rookie mistake” for someone who works in healthcare and should KNOW better.

Fortunately, my oncotype showed that chemotherapy would not be beneficial, but I do need to get radiation. I am waiting for that to be scheduled as I write this. I have also been undergoing physical therapy since much of my chest muscle was removed on the right side. I was given the option of having a bilateral mastectomy and/or a reconstruction, but I have significant cardiac issues so I elected NOT to do either.

Speaking of cardiac issues, they have worsened. My cardiologist feels it is due to the stress of having two surgeries so close together. I have developed intermittent atrial fibrillation and now have to take a potent antiarrhythmic agent (amiodarone) as well as a blood thinner. After my 4 weeks of radiation is over, I will have to have a procedure on my heart called a cryoablation to try and kill the aberrant conduction in the top part of my heart. This situation has actually scared me much more than the cancer diagnosis. Although I have had heart problems since my 40s, it was relatively stable and inactive for almost 2 decades and never affected my activities. Now I am afraid to do much of anything for fear of triggering the rapid rhythm. It has caused me to cancel two of my trips–one in May to visit cousins in Florida, and one at the end of June to see my British cousins who I haven’t seen since before the pandemic.

So, I have embarked on the most challenging journey of my life so far. I have had to take short-term disability from work for all of this, which adds to the stress. I am somewhat of a workaholic and have never been off more than 4 weeks at a time since I was 16! Even after having babies, I only took 4 weeks off. So I have decided to get back into writing, both here on my blog to document my cancer journey, and possibly a memoir about my health challenges. Even if I don’t get it published, it would be something for my children and grandchildren to have.

I would appreciate any positive energy and prayer that can be sent my way! I would also be very interested in hearing from others who have fought this fight–either cancer or cardiac. I do intend to attend some support groups, but have not done so yet as I am trying to navigate through all the medical appointments and planning. I thank you all for stopping by, and do hope to get back to writing about actual travels in the future!

Hi All! I’m Still Here!

Hello readers! I am sorry I have not posted recently. After attending the Great Escape Publishing’s Ultimate Travel Writers’ Workshop in September, I have been quite busy with courses and readings! Between that and my work schedule, I have not had a chance to post.

I do have three new travel posts planned–Dallas and Austin in September, NYC in October, and a recent trip to Virginia to see Haley and Riley. Stay tuned!