I am in the middle of a brief break from all of the medical craziness. This is not to say I have been idle medically speaking–I have had some appointments (PT, lab work, Medical Oncologist), but nothing intense or daily. I must say, I am enjoying it too much! After being on the go so much, I enjoyed just doing nothing much last week! This week I need to do better since I don’t know how I will feel after the cardiac procedure.
A Gift for Myself!
Over the weekend I got a piano! I have always wanted to learn to play, but we couldn’t afford one growing up. Then I lacked either time or space. Now I have both the time and the space AND one of my neighbors was GIVING one away! I just needed a means to transport it. So, I rented a U-Haul trailer and Ray hooked it up to his truck. Between Ray, two of my sons, and Kendyl’s friend Brandon, we got it to its new home! I have really enjoyed it already! I have an instructional book, and have watched some on-line videos, but I would really like to take real lessons! One of my other neighbors teaches, so I will message her. Now to find someone to tune it, although it doesn’t sound too bad right now!
My Productivity is Lacking at HOME
Normally, I take very good care of my flower and vegetable beds, but I’ve been hampered this year by all of the medical problems AND the heat! I just cannot tolerate the heat and humidity. I have kept my vegetable beds tended (although I downsized from 5 to 3), but my herb garden and flower beds have become overrun with weeds! It breaks my heart! I have been trying to go out each evening (when it isn’t raining and I’m home) to fill up a big trash bag with weeds and debris. If I keep it up, I should have much less to do when fall comes. Next year, I need to get back to regular maintenance so this doesn’t happen!
This week, I need to be more productive with my time! As mentioned, I was very lazy last week. I took having “a brief break” too seriously! I just let things go, relaxed, and watched too much TV! I’m not planning on doing that this week! I will be returning to work mid-September, so my time is running short to work on my house (cleaning and organizing).
I’m reading a book about Swedish death cleaning right now. With everything I’ve been going through, I need to make it a priority to prepare things for when I die, although that hopefully won’t be for a long while. All of the files and accounts the kids will need have to be backed up and stored safely, and I do not want them having to wade through my clutter after I go. They would be liable to chuck everything, but I know there are some things that would be important to one of them, or someone in the family. It is time I tackle this monster! I am by no means a hoarder, but I have a problem letting go of old pictures and files I “might” need someday. I need to digitize what I want to keep and then let everything else go!
Update 27 August 2023
Well, we have a snag, and my brief break might be extended. The electrophysiology office called me on Friday to let me know they have not yet received prior authorization (the bane of a medical person’s existence) for my cryo -ablation on Tuesday. I’m still going to have the TEE tomorrow in hopes that they can get the authorization and proceed as planned. If they don’t, the TEE will be “good” for 30 days if we have to reschedule.
The problem with that is that I have already picked up shifts for the end of September. Why didn’t I just wait until all of this was done?? The procedure has been scheduled since early JUNE, so I had no idea it would not be authorized! I am trying my hardest to relax and just go with the flow since there is nothing I can do to change this. Those of you who know me understand how difficult this can be.
I hope to have an update with better news tomorrow after the test. That’s when I plan to post this. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
My Brief Break Will Be Longer
Well, I had my TEE, but I was NOT able to get the cryo-ablation today. The prior authorization still did not come through. So my procedure is rescheduled to 9/21 and I will not be able to return to work as planned. As of now, my return to work date will be 9/30. I am frustrated, but I am trying to “go with the flow.” Maybe there is a reason for this?