I will try to sum up the rest of our Parisian adventures here. I am excited to start sharing the London leg of our trip!
Day 2 in Paris was museum day. We started at Musée Orangerie which borders on the Jardin Tuileries. It is dedicated to impressionist art which is my favorite type. The main level is shaped like an infinity sign with large Monets curving around each oval!
Next we went over the Seine to the Musée d’Orsay. This museum was huge and varied with quite a collection of sculpture, paintings and other media.
We were hungry after all the art and we found a lovely café right across from the museum. I previously posted about the Tabac d’Orsay and our wonderful lunch!
That night we had a premium wine tasting at Les Caves des Louvre. Our guide was a young very knowledgeable wine maker and I learned so much! Afterward we walked to the Palais Royal though only got to see the outside and gardens. We stopped for dinner (already posted pics of that) and Home to crash!
Well I will need to post our next couple days after we return from today’s adventures.